5 Tips To Survive Winter Touring

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It’s inevitable, winter touring in North America is coming. For those of you that are fortunate to not experience a slushy, snowy, cold winter, you make me green with jealous rage. For the rest of us, Here are 5 Tips To Survive Winter Touring in 500 words or less.

1. Dress appropriately

This is a no-brainer. Bring a waterproof, windproof, warm jacket that you can move in. Personally, I like to use the Milwaukee heated hoodie so I’m toasty but limber and can put a jacket over top. Bring a touque (a beanie), Waterproof and warm boots, insulated gloves, and keep a change of socks in your tech case for after load-in.

2. Boost The Immune System

As soon as the weather starts to change, I generally add the following items to the rider (or shop for them myself).

  • Lemon Ginger shots – 1-2/day
  • Emergen-C. Gummies or the drink
  • Get rest whenever you can.
  • Spicy soups to clear the nose and the soul.

3. Appreciate The Beauty

If you find fun activities, winter touring doesn’t have to be a drag. For the love of god, no X-games shit on days off. You’re smarter than that. Personally, I like to shut it down in my hotel whenever I can and order uber eats… I’m not gonna lie and say that it works to survive winter touring, but I find comfort in Netflix binges and a good sweat at the gym.

4. Know That Christmas Is Coming

If you celebrate Christmas, chances are it’s going to sneak up on you. For almost a decade, I’d get home from tour sometime between Dec 18th and 23rd. Every year, I’d panic and rush to do my Christmas shopping after I get home. Online shopping is a beautiful thing and you can do it while you’re away. I wonder if 2020’s “Top 8 Christmas Gifts For Roadies” still holds up.

5. The End Is Not Always Near

I think it’s important for the soul to escape the winter at some point. I generally go to Costa Rica in January to break up the monotony. Make sure to pace yourself and know that winter weather is a variable until deep into April.


If you’re fortunate enough to make it through the whole year without seeing snow or sub-zero temperatures then you’ve somehow cracked the code. If you find yourself north of the border and need some help finding supplies for tips 1-3, hit me at [email protected]

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