This is the number one battle for any road dog. Everything is going great leading up to the tour, But once the first day hits, it’s a different story altogether. The deeper you get into the run, the more tired you get. There’s nothing worse than a mid-tour burnout. I’mContinue Reading

In the previous article about becoming a road dog, we talked about knowing the positions, what they’re referred to, and what exactly it is that they do. Here’s a breakdown of a bunch of jobs (on and off the road) that are vital to a successful tour. We’re gonna useContinue Reading

A beginners guide: 5 ways to get started in the live touring industry So you wanna be a road dog? You wanna run on no sleep for weeks on end, eat poorly, be stressed out, overworked, underpaid, the whole deal? Yea, me too. Like I’ve mentioned before, this is theContinue Reading

This quarantine shit is crazy. Week 8 or 9 of being locked inside is taking its toll. I’m gonna talk about how this has affected me directly as a crew guy. I’m looking forward to connecting on socials to see where everyone’s at. I don’t want this to be aContinue Reading

Alright, if you wanna lose faith in humanity, travel international economy class without status. These flights are the epicenter of the leisure traveler. From arriving at the airport to check-in to walking out of customs on the other side, this is the god damn worst. Let’s not get it twisted.Continue Reading

On the previous article on How to Get into Touring, I mentioned Input Lists and Stage Plots, their importance, and how to make them. For those of you that already know what they are, bare with me for a minute. Input Lists An Input List is exactly what it soundsContinue Reading